Sunday, November 16, 2008


With 10 days to ourselves in between the visits of friends and family, we've taken this week to do fun stuff just the four of us. And with this time to watch and reflect - I have to say I've noticed a few changes from the people we were before we got here.

They grow up so fast - One of the biggest changes we've noticed has been in our children. First off, Taylor can now swim in and ride waves. We're pretty impressed. She's always been more on the cautious side, but in the water - she's completely at home. She treads water, can get her butt up to actually propel herself forward and just this week started playing in the waves and run-up. Alex also loves the water. She wears underwear now (most of the time) and as you parents all know, that is a huge source of happiness and pride for us all. But the biggest change in our kids is the way they play together. We're not sure if it's the fact that Alex can now communicate and play better or if they're so bored without other kids that they have turned to each other out of sheer desperation. But who cares. They play together so well, making up elaborate games, chasing each other, and saying "oh honey" when one falls down. It is truly amazing to see. It's not all roses though, they fight often, with either one or both ending up in the naughty chair. But the level of interaction, conversation and depth of play is quite remarkable and worth the intermittent rows.

Appearance - I haven't worn the same clothes this many times since - well, since never. Each of us has the equivalent of 1 or 2 dresser drawers of clothes. And like on every trip, we have worn half of them. I haven't styled my hair once, and wear hardly any makeup. But the funny thing is that I don't really care. And for those who know me, and how I'm quite girly, this is surprising news indeed. Obviously for all of us, our skin is darker and our hair lighter. Taylor & Alex's clothes are too little and Neil's and mine are too big. And then, on one of our drives to somewhere, I look over at Neil; and see an easy smile on his tanned, stubbly face with his long, kind of wild hair blowing in the breeze of the open window, and I'm reaffirmed that this trip was the absolute right thing to do.

Assets - As I've stated before, we can't afford to buy much. But we did add to our board collection. A 9' Rusty - glass, single-stringer with a bag whose zipper doesn't do up all the way. Bought it cheap from a guy who spends a lot of time on Maui, lives in Whistler and for some reason is able to work in the US (we didn't ask any more). He is moving back to BC with his young family, so had to offload some stuff. We were pretty proud, strapping to the roof of our Corolla and driving home, checking half way to make sure the straps were holding the board down on the 2 pool noodles we are using as a roof rack. (Hey - my yoga teacher loaned us the straps and told us noodles make good roof racks). Neil even took it out for a paddle the day after. Let's just say it's a lot different than the foam picnic table that we learned on. But tomorrow we're packing up the kids, heading up Lahaina-way, gonna pull over in a remote spot with 2 foot rollers and just try to stand up. We're quickly getting the idea that surfing has got a massive steep learning curve. Especially when you're on a real board.

The 7 (well, 3) Deadly Sins - Desperate times call for desperate measures. Would I do this at home? No, but here.... Sin #1 - Drink. Our days start with Baileys coffee. Then sometime after noon (we do wait till noon), we crack some sort of beverage. It could be a beer, pina colada, sangria, wine, rum & ginger or mai-tai. But it's not like we're drunk all the time. Just maybe slightly tipsy. Sin #2 - Theft. We are stealing wireless internet signals from our neighbours so we don't have to pay for our own router and service. And.. we're downloading tv shows and movies galore from Sin #3 - Sloth. Most days, we don't make the bed, or plan meals, or pick up after ourselves. And a lot of times, I read a book or take a nap instead of doing those things that I would normally be doing at home. At least I don't look like myself. And I'll be a better person back in BC, I promise...

So... we've changed a little. But just a little. And I'm sure things will get back to normal when we get back to BC. Mind you after this, we might have to question just what normal is.

1 comment:

onegiantstep said...

Shouldn't you be 'reading a book or taking a nap' once you get home too? Don't think of this as some sabbatical from your 'regular' life...shouldn't it be the time you spend redefining 'regular'? Glad the surfing is going well. Is Neil growing his hair out? Cool.